Christendom is those of whom “the inspired utterance says definitely” will, “in later periods of time”, “…will fall away from the faith”. Christendom fell away a long time ago. Christendom is not Jehovah’s people, or “household”, whom the anointed “slaves” are appointed over to feed.
For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge; for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. – Romans 10:2-3
The apostle Paul admired the Jews, somewhat, because “they have a zeal for God”. However, he said, “but not according to accurate knowledge”. No for, the Jews were no longer the true faith. Why? Because they accepted God but then rejected his Son. They were also “seeking to establish their own [righteousness]” though their many thousands of oral laws. So while this was done out of Zeal for God – an admirable quality – they were no longer the true faith. They were no longer Jehovah’s people. They rejected Christ, so their worship of God was based upon inaccurate knowledge and they no longer had any special relationship with Jehovah.
Today, the situation is similar with Christendom, although the other way around. While they accept Christ, they reject his and our God. In fact, they commit a disgusting blasphemy by saying Jesus Christ is God – a blasphemy that becomes more obscene when they fuse Christ with a pagan trinity. Their worship of “God” is based upon inaccurate knowledge and they ceased to have any special relationship with Jehovah sometime during the foretold ‘Great Apostasy’.
Let’s imagine that the apostle Paul was miraculously transported into the future – to our day.
· What would he think about the Christian religions today?
· Would he believe that Christendom is Jehovah’s people – as the 1st century Congregation was?
· Would he believe that Christendom’s various sects and churches are the “household” of Christ, of whom the anointed feed?
I do not believe so.
The foretold apostasy
The apostle Paul warned that eventually the congregations would turn to apostasy, they would fall away from the true faith. That is what happened, and the result is that those sects and religions continue in their apostate state to this very day. Far from Christendom being the household of Jesus Christ, everyone back in the late Roman era stood up and left the house to serve another master – they apostatised, just as the apostles predicted.
So what would the apostle Paul say when looking at Christendom? I think he would look upon them and after some time comment that “they have a zeal for God”, and then add, “…but not according to accurate knowledge”. He would not believe they are Jehovah’s people (as featured in prophecy), nor would he believe that they are the spiritual Israel of God like the 1st century congregation. In fact, he would see exactly what he predicted – apostasy, apostasy, and more apostasy!
· Firstly, he would see that they adopted a pagan trinity very similar to the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian trinities he was familiar with as a 1st century Roman.
· He would see the “Christians” using the same pagan cross icon that existed in his day among the pagan religions of Rome and Egypt.
· He would see Christendom teaching the immortality of the soul – something Paul would also be familiar with from his day, as it was popular among the Greek philosophical schools of his day.
· He would learn how Christendom fought for years to eradicate the name of Jehovah (YHWH) and even removed it from the Bible – a name which he, as a former Jew, regarded with the utmost importance. –See Romans 10:13-14
· He would see how they supported wars and involve themselves in politics, just like the pagan religions in his day.
· He would further see that some “Christians” are “forbidding to marry”, as he predicted would happen.
· He would read in history books how Christendom has shaped and designed the political and national landscape. Appointing monarchs, being part of the ruling elite, blessing crusades, carving up nations, etc.
Christendom is those of whom “the inspired utterance says definitely” will, “in later periods of time”, “…will fall away from the faith”. Christendom fell away a long time ago. Christendom is not Jehovah’s people, or “household”, whom the anointed “slaves” are appointed over to feed. They are an integral and intimate part of Satan’s system – they are not Jehovah’s people, and by their actions they are entirely opposed to revealing the truth about Jehovah God.
Preventing people being saved
The apostle Paul also said that God desired “that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Christendom does not supply anything like “accurate knowledge of truth” so that people will “be saved”. No, for “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved” says the scriptures – yet Christendom claims that the name of God isn’t even important!
Christendom actively prevents persons from coming to the accurate knowledge and being saved. By teaching numerous lies about the very nature of God, his name, and his purpose, Christendom is a tool of Satan – it has actively prevented the worship of the true God Jehovah for hundreds of years by stamping out his name and locking up his word, and continues to oppose him to this very day.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the other hand, do have accurate knowledge about God. For a start, they know who Jehovah God is, while Christendom continues living its pagan fantasy. Jehovah’s people do not have any paganism in their worship, and they uphold the name of Jehovah God more than any other religion – as would be expected, for Jehovah’s people.
True worship is back again
Today, we see the reign of the 7th King of Bible prophecy, Anglo-America, continue to dominate the world. This king will only be in place for a “short while” according to Revelation 17:10. Already the infrastructure of the final 8th King is in place – waiting for its “one hour” of rule (Revelation 17:12). At this critical point, prior to the start of Jesus presence, only Jehovah’s Witnesses fit the requirements of a people for Jehovah. Although the original Christian congregation all fell away into apostasy, worship of the true God has emerged once again. Jehovah has a people for his name – just as prophecy said there would exist prior to the Time of the End.
What Jehovah’s people don’t realise, however, is that when Jesus presence starts soon, Jehovah’s Son will come to cleanse and discipline his people. Like the fire of a refiner and the lye of laundrymen, Jesus will clean out all the wicked slaves from his household, and he will remove all the weeds from his field of wheat. The “man of lawlessness” who rules among the anointed will be revealed and done away with. An “operation of error” will be exposed, and a “whitewashed wall” of false prophecy will crash down.
In the meantime, however, Jehovah’s Witnesses have the title of being the only people on earth to worship Jehovah God “according to accurate knowledge” of him, unlike the squabbling sects of Christendom with their Babylonian paganism and Greek philosophy.
However, the distinction that Jehovah’s people have is a bitter-sweet one. For on the one hand it means we can worship and teach others about the true God – a real God that actually exists. On the other hand, though, we must experience Jehovah’s discipline. For the one “Jehovah loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son”.
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